

Life is made more fun because of “design.”
Advancement in life is keenly felt because of “design.”
The core mission of 大楨 is to incorporate design into life’s diverse ingredients.

Beginning at the end of the 19th century, modernism has entered humanity via industrial revolution and initiated a series of spatial revolution. Following this chronology, the vigorous developments of divergent modernist schools have rendered 20th-century space and architecture ever more exciting and rich.

Now in the 21st century, humanity’s overdevelopment has led to catastrophic environmental pollution and dissolving of polar ice. The world of now is no longer peaceful, a fact which is exacerbated by terrorist attacks. Instances of atrocity have haunted human civilization and frame of mind. Consequently, humanity is no longer in firm grips of the world they live in and the resources they think they have full reign over.

Moreover, the popularity of the Internet has dissolved national boundaries but nevertheless distanced our feelings for another human being. In this regard, space designers have thus been entrusted with a significant mission of re-constructing kindred feelings among humanity.

Space is enlivened by human element; humanity in turn is brought closer by the type of space they live in. This human-space interaction is achieved through the injection of the space designer’s humanistic concern. In this light, human affection plays a key role in integrating attachment and memory into the space we live in.

How the finite space is rendered infinite is worth entertaining.

Given that, any space would be in serious lack of depth if it were seen through with a mere glance. This is because there is little that human beings can relate to a space depleted of feeling and interaction. For instance, it is much more difficult for a viewer to “enter into” a Western oil painting, because of its genre-imposed restrictions on fix-frame and focalized points. On the contrary, the Chinese landscape painting entices viewers to saunter among the cloud-capped mountains, rippling streams, and doted farmhouses—the ultimate and transcendent rendezvous.

This concept is also applicable to appreciating Eastern and Western architecture. The grand cathedral, as the epitome of Western architecture and token for independence, symbolizes God’s sanctuary and is therefore focalized and non-intrinsic as God is upheld and worshiped by humanity.

The essence of Eastern architecture, such as the traditional Chinese Northern Courtyard Houses and the Southern Landscape Gardens, incorporates the godliness and the human in a space wherein inhabitants can traverse, roam, and drink in every bit of unbounded possibilities.

Both Ching and Confucianism have profound influences upon the Northern Courtyard Houses and the Southern Landscape Gardens in terms of space and form.

Architects of today, however, have found it difficult to implement the concept of Eastern architecture into designing high-tech buildings in an urban environment thronged with skyscrapers. Luckily, the interiors of these seemingly cold concrete monoliths may be turned into a haven where space designers through appropriate planning can incorporate multi-layered and real-abstract spatial concept into their work so as to create an atmosphere of human attachment, interaction, and mutual trust.

In accordance with the aforementioned designing concept, space designers will continue their commitment to creating living spaces that afford great sense of inner tranquility within the inhabitants.